Root of it All
Collection 001
Within the collection titled The Root of it All I establish a visual language. In this collection, the colors black and white converse with each other to explore the relationship between the ideas of isolation vs. contact, and nature vs, nurture. I go back into my personal past to explore my obsession with the color black and how white has been a crucial part of my development.
Section 01
This section is focused on my personal past and experiences
Beginning with what I call fabric paintings, the concept is established. Black squares are being covered by ragged white strips of fabrics or stretched knits. Both of these paintings, as well as the garments below, tell the same story from different perspectives. They both symbolize the isolation I have brought upon myself for years as I try to protect myself from loss and emotional pain. The white fabric that seems to be growing on the black like a fungus or moss symbolizes friends, family, or any kind of necessary contact for a healthy social life. Throughout the years that contact has felt like a burden; something I couldn't shake off or get away from. I ran from it, I tried to cover it up, but in the end it's always there, growing and finding a way to penetrate my armor. Looking back I am grateful. The white never gives up. It never let me fully shroud myself.

Section 02
This section can also be labeled as my present situation. After battling the 'white' for so long I found I really only had two choices: continue in this cycle that had made me so unhappy in life, or give in at least a little bit. Indulge in those trying to be there for me. I eventually found that there must be a balance. In fact, I believe everyone has there own balance. This could also be a more general study on the ideas of introversion and